Thursday, October 23, 2008

why i have been avoiding this

ok so mayyyyybe i feel a bit of pressure to update my blog since most of my friends have updated several times since my last post. but i thought that the length of my last post and inclusion of pictures would suffice for quite some time. but i find myself longing to post something. anything. so ill tell ya....ill tell ya somethin on a topic ive been avoiding all around-politics and the election. democracy is a beautiful thing but i cant freakin stand another retarded political ad. im not gonna go into specifics about what my beef is with these ads cuz itll just get me all worked up and angry then i wont be able to sleep, and im gonna reach my goal of being asleep by 1030 tonight, dangit!! anywho, im sick of it all and im sooooo over hearing politicians, cuz HONESTLY, does anyone really believe what they say!?! the freakin implementation of these 'plans' they create never goes as promised and im just fed up hearing silly, well thought out and powerful , yet insincere, speeches that mean nothing. . (this is why i avoid political discussions, cuz its the one thing thats guaranteed to make me negative. and i hate that) but i will say, i THOROUGHLY enjoyed some solid SNL making fun of politicians tonight. i like it when they make fun of both sides equally. cuz it makes me laugh and doesnt work me up into a cynical, annoyed, frustrated frenzy. it just makes me laugh. a lot. so thank you, SNL. and i truly cannot believe how much tina fey looks exactly like sarah palin.


Sara Sue said...

i love that you dont captialize in your sentences. capitalization is over rated and lower case is so much cooler. you're cooler because of it. punctuation still helps. and I appreciate you using it.

Michael said...

hmmm. Your getting there. You really are.

Don said...

Hey, I'm new to FaceBook and saw you had PsychoCybernetics listed a fav book. Me too. (Read it for the first time this summer.) A fat loss book I read two years ago (and lost 25 pounds) referred to it in the first chapter. Awesome stuff. I liked your take on politics. I also don't think politics is powerful enough to effect change in such a big, stable system. I teach Sp Ed (8th, 7th, now K - 6) and work with Speech Therapists. Keep posting!

Don ... a random visitor!

annebabe said...

hallelujah the election is almost over! i'm so with you on that. it makes me angry in like 2 seconds flat. but, good for me, i already voted! so i feel a huge relief and mentally i feel like its already over. and amen to all the SNL stuff. fetching hilarious! tina fey kills me. glad to see you caved in and posted again. :)